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#105: The Happiness Formula for Property Managers: Strategies Revealed + Inspirational Interview

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The #105: Happiness Formula for Property Managers: Strategies Revealed + Inspirational Interview

As a property manager, you face endless challenges, from juggling numerous responsibilities to delivering exceptional service to your teams and residents. At Sprout Marketing, where we've spent the past fourteen years building our expertise, we've had the privilege of working with thousands of on-site property managers, witnessing their triumphs and struggles firsthand.

In this dynamic industry, we've encountered a variety of managers: those in the blissful honeymoon phase, others suffocating under the weight of their responsibilities, and even long-time managers going through the motions without much passion. However, our favorite type is the joyful property manager, who has discovered the secret to riding the highs and lows without sacrificing their joy.

Reflecting on Steve Jobs' wisdom that true satisfaction comes from doing what you believe is great work and loving what you do, we've come to realize that our work should support our lives outside the office, not drain us of our happiness. We refuse to allow our work to dampen our spirits and tarnish our overall joy in life.

Drawing from our extensive observations, we've identified three often underestimated areas that can empower property managers to maintain their joy, even in the face of challenging circumstances. These keys revolve around effectively managing your morning, attention, and energy.

Join us as we delve into these powerful strategies that will unlock your potential and help you thrive in the property management arena. Prepare to unleash your joy and discover the true rewards of your profession.

Beyond the Hurdles: Three Practices of the Happiest Managers

Managing Your Morning as a Busy Property Manager: Setting the Tone for Success

The importance of a well-managed morning cannot be overstated. Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day and influences the energy of those around you. Here are a few tips to optimize your mornings:

Prioritize Personal Time:

Avoid immediately diving into emails and social media, which can trigger a problem-solving mindset and panic. Instead, dedicate the first few minutes of your day to activities that energize you. Consider waking up earlier for quiet time or reflection, regardless of whether you have children at home.

Reflect and Plan:

Use this serene time to contemplate the kind of day you aspire to have. Consider potential obstacles and challenges you might encounter, and visualize how you want to show up and exude positive energy. Prepare for busy days by scheduling short breaks to regroup and recharge throughout the day.

Nourish Yourself Well:

Opt for nourishing meals that will provide sustained energy throughout the day. Dress in attire that reflects how you want to feel and project yourself professionally. Have go-to outfits that make you feel confident and comfortable.

Managing Your Attention: Focusing on What Matters

As a property manager, countless demands compete for your attention. Learning to prioritize and allocate your attention effectively is essential. Consider the following strategies:

Time Blocking:

Allocate specific time slots for tasks such as handling emails, engaging with social media, and interacting with your team. Even if you work in an environment where interruptions are common, strive to find dedicated periods for focused work. This approach helps prevent constant context switching and increases productivity.

Be Present:

Train yourself to be fully present in each interaction and situation. When at home, focus on your loved ones. When speaking with employees, engage with them wholeheartedly, offering compliments and feedback. Make genuine connections with residents and colleagues, taking a moment to smile, wave, or have a meaningful conversation.

Limit Consuming Excessive Content:

While podcasts and social media can be informative and entertaining, excessive consumption can lead to information overload and anxiety. Guard your attention by setting boundaries and being mindful of how much content you consume.

Saving Apartment Managers 20+ Hours a Month


Managing Your Limited Energy: Harnessing Vitality and Enthusiasm

Pay attention to who and what drains your energy and try to limit that.

Recognize that your energy is a finite resource. Managing and protecting it is vital for maintaining productivity and well-being. Consider the following practices:

Identify Energizing Activities:

Pay attention to what energizes and motivates you. Engaging in tasks that align with your strengths and passions will help sustain your enthusiasm. Delegate tasks that drain your energy to team members who may find them energizing.

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

While choosing everyone you interact with may not be possible, you can protect your space and minimize exposure to individuals who consistently drain your energy. Create a supportive environment that encourages collaboration and positivity.

Physical Well-being:

Taking care of your physical health positively impacts your energy levels. Incorporate short exercise breaks during the day, even simple activities like a 10-minute walk or a few jumping jacks. Physical movement releases dopamine and reduces stress, boosting your overall energy.

Seven lessons from charlaina poole, A Positively inspiring property manager

Meet Charlaina Poole, a remarkable property manager at Creekside Crossing and a star Sprout customer. I was captivated by her boundless enthusiasm and unwavering positivity when I started following her on social media. It became clear to me that Charlaina was a beacon of inspiration in the world of apartment marketing and team management. Eager to learn her invaluable insights, I invited her to join me on the podcast, where she graciously shared her secrets to success.

In our conversation, Charlaina shared the strategies behind effective apartment marketing, navigating the challenges of property management, cultivating a thriving team, and maintaining an uplifting attitude that defies adversity.

Here are the top seven lessons I enjoyed learning from her:

  1. Utilize social media: Charlaina emphasizes the importance of using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with residents and prospects. She mentions using Sprout Marketing, a tool for social media content and graphics exclusive to multifamily housing, and national calendars to plan resident events based on upcoming creative holiday days.

  2. Leverage video content: Charlaina highlights the effectiveness of using videos to engage with residents. She mentions using a program called ResMan, which allows them to send videos to residents, making the communication more personal and informative. Videos also help residents connect with the property management team, especially when they can't visit the office in person.

  3. Overcome video shyness: For those who are nervous about appearing on camera, Charlaina suggests starting with voice-only videos or gradually getting comfortable in front of the camera. She shares her own experience of initially being hesitant but eventually enjoying the process and seeing the positive impact of videos.

  4. Social media engagement: Charlaina encourages property managers not to be discouraged by low engagement on social media. She emphasizes that even if people aren't commenting or liking posts, they still observe and appreciate the content. Social media presence can positively influence people's perceptions of the community and contribute to their decision to lease.

  5. Scheduling and flexibility: To stay active on social media while managing property demands, Charlaina recommends scheduling posts in advance. This allows for consistency and saves time. Scheduling basic content also allows adding live videos or additional posts when desired.

  6. Resident events: Charlaina's property has succeeded with resident events centered around local preferences, such as daiquiris, wine, crawfish, and brunch. They consider residents' schedules and preferences when planning events to maximize attendance. Events like breakfast on the go cater to residents with early work hours.

  7. Infectious energy and team engagement: Charlaina maintains an enthusiastic and positive attitude, which she believes influences her team to prioritize residents' needs and participate in events. She emphasizes the power of smiling and maintaining a positive demeanor, even during challenging conversations.


See this form in the original post

Don’t Get Discouraged if Social Engagement Seems Low