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Invest in yourself now to future-proof your career

by Monique Vento, Sprout Marketing Content Team

  • Revamp your resume

You’ve got it saved in google docs somewhere. Find it, and make sure it’s up to date. 

  • Do it digitally and update your LinkedIn. 

    1. Create connections with people that you’ve worked with within the past. 

    2. Refresh your bio

    3. Skills - Make sure everything is mentioned. Do you have any certifications? Include them!

  • Webinars

They are free. They are quick. They are educational and inspirational. You get to have some (almost) one-on-one time with industry leaders! Soak up their advice and get going on your goals.

Our latest webinar: Multifamily Professionals, You Got This: A 12-Pack of Ideas to Help You Cope & Hope Amidst COVID-19

  • Invest in a new habit

Invest time and energy into forming a new habit that will benefit you when you go back to the office, or at home if WFH ends up being your new normal. 

  • Time interval working schedule - work 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off. Set a timer to keep you on track! You’d be amazed at how focused you’ll be knowing it’s only for a short period of time. 

  • Plan with a big 3 focus - not sure what a big 3 focus is? Check out this podcast episode here: Focus On This - Episode 3

  • Learn a new skill

Take free digital courses. While you’re safe at home, you have time to dedicate to learning a new skill. Not sure what to learn or where to start? Think of your current job, is there a task you’d like to take on? If you’re out of a job right now, take a look at job postings and see which skills you are lacking for the positions you’d like to apply for.

  • Skillshare

  • Lynda

  • Udemy

See this form in the original post
  • Check-in with Your Networking Contacts

They are likely at home as well, so use this time to call up, email, or text that person you’ve been meaning to talk to. It’s a great opportunity to check in on them personally, see how they are doing, coping, and getting through this time. Also, it’s a perfect way to keep your name top of mind when they need to reach out for something professionally. 

  • Listen to Podcasts

Queue up those that will help you professionally. Give this episode of “Marketing Home, Marketing You” a listen: Employee Whisperer, Candidate Hacker - Tony Sousa. He is an expert in interviewing and finding the best fit for a candidate. Find your confidence, and be ready to rock that interview when it comes. 

  • Clean out your social media

It sounds like a no brainer, but with all of us spending more time on social media than ever take a minute to make sure it’s a good influence for you. “Surround” yourself with accounts that will build you up, inspire you to be great, and keep you motivated to excel professionally. 

Some we love:

    • @msrachelhollis - She does a live show every day with her husband that will put a smile on your face. 

    • @theeverygirl - Everything from home decor, money/budget tips, skincare, to recipes - they’ve got it covered. 

  • Take care of your job but take care of yourself, too.

Create a routine to get yourself out of work mode. Don’t work 24/7 just because you can. You care about your job, we know. Maybe you want to do a great job so that you can actually keep your job. Understood. But you are a human, FIRST. Make yourself a priority and help yourself get through this difficult time.

Add this podcast to your list: WFH Without Losing your Mind