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#32 - A Psychiatrist and Brain Coach’s Guide to Managing Stress

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A Psychiatrist and Brain Coach’s Guide to Managing Stress Sprout Marketing

Welcome to a conversation you never knew you needed with a psychiatrist

Dr. Nadia Bening is a Psychiatrist and Certified Brain Health Coach, in addition to wife and mom of 3 boys.  She specializes in curating the most effective treatments to optimize brain health and help people enjoy full, active, and energized lifestyles.  She has over a decade of experience in the traditional psychiatric clinical setting and was the Medical Director at a drug and alcohol rehab center for the past 3 years. 

Dr. Nadia recently opened [RE]TREAT, an innovative boutique + private practice in Burnet, TX. She has a special interest in dietary interventions and the latest "biohacks" for a life of happiness and longevity.

She received her medical degree at UT Health Science Center in San Antonio, followed by her psychiatric residency at UT Southwestern’s Psychiatric Program in Austin, Texas.

Nadia’s Advice is Practical, Doable…and Dare I Say, FUN! -Barbara

It is Dr. Nadia’s hope that people experience a feeling of empowerment when under her care, and are equipped to take charge of their well-being, having confidence that they possess the ability and tools to create brain-healthy habits for life.

Join me and Dr. Nadia Bening as she shares what stress actually does to our bodies, and techniques to take care of ourselves.

Just like our marketing strategy of “small steps create huge impacts”, Nadia shares our mentality of going back to basics when building foundations of health. Take these tips and transform your life.

Bottom line: This pandemic is a stressful time! We know it. Making an effort to care for your mental and physical health will make you feel so much better. Reducing stress with practical steps and advice is timely and readily available to most of us.

Use this time to reset and take on life the way YOU want to take it on.

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The Four A’s of Dealing with Stress


  • Be able to say no to things you don’t want to do. We want to do it all and be well-liked, appreciated, and feel accomplished. But the reality? We can’t do it ALL perfectly.

  • If you are watching something on the tv or the news that is stressing you out, you have the power to say no! Turn it off and choose a different activity.

  • Look for ways to avoid stress. Is going into a crowded grocery store a stressor? Get your groceries delivered instead of taking all the kids to the store at once this week!


  • Certain situations come up that you can’t avoid. But many times, you CAN alter how you interact with a specific person or relationship. Think about it ahead of time and determine how you will react the next time that stressful situation comes up.

  • Alter your schedule and set clear boundaries. Ex: On move-in day, set expectations with your residents about how they can reach you, and outline when you won’t be available. Eliminate frustrations on both ends! They’ll know when to reach you, and you’ll have a schedule to get everything else done.


Perspective is huge! Looking at the big picture and changing your mindset will help manage stress. Reframe the situation and choose a different reaction.

  • Will this matter a year from now? If not, don’t spend a minute on it.

  • Does comparing myself to the Jones’ (or the Kardashians) help me feel better? Most likely not, so ditch comparison.

  • Could it be worse? (Usually the answer is yes.) Focus on one positive thing about your situation.


  • Adjust expectations so we aren’t constantly disappointed by people.

  • Get a gratitude journal! Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day. Focus on the positive areas of your life and get grounded with the things that matter.

  • Realize what is in our control, and what’s not in our control.

Property Managers Can Manage Stress by Getting Back to Basics


  • Exercise - just do it! Move your body every day. Even if all you do is ten squats before a shower, that will help. You don’t need to do an entire workout program or run a few miles to feel the benefits. Go for a 20 minute walk in nature to get your blood pumping - dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ chemical messenger, will go to work to help you feel better!

  • Sleep - Sleep is so essential to feeling great. Our circadian rhythm is so crucial to all the processes in our body - you need to sleep! Evaluate your sleep and make changes if you need to help yourself sleep better. Skip that extra glass of wine, or leave the next episode till tomorrow and hit the hay.

  • Diet - Food is medicine. Eat what makes you feel great - but think twice about processed foods when planning your meal. The more you eliminate sugar, the less you crave it. We all love our glass of wine… Listen to the pod to find out how that glass of wine affects women and our hormone cycles! It might be time to switch to tequila!

  • Fun - one of the best way to destress. Use Mother Nature and go outside. Breathe the fresh air and feel your body and mind start to relax.

  • Practice calming techniques:

    • Meditation: Not always easy, but it’s simple. You may think, “I could be doing different things…” But that’s the point! Try it for a few weeks, and you’ll experience actual brain changes.

    • Deep Breathing: Everyone can do it and it’s free! Nadia likes using a deep breathing necklace to assist her deep breathing routine every day.

Connect with Dr. Nadia Bening