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#109: The Power of the 3 Day Reset - Small Changes, Big Impact

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#109: The Power of the 3 Day Reset - Small Changes, Big Impact

Do you ever feel like you've gotten off course somewhere in your life? Maybe you're excelling in one area, but you feel like other areas are falling apart. For example, you're doing awesome at work but your house is a wreck. Your balance just feels off.

On this episode of Marketing Home, Marketing You we're diving into the power of a three-day reset. Making small changes over a three-day period can genuinely transform our life and make us feel like a different person. Whether it's improving our diet or changing work-related habits, these small changes can act as a stepping stone toward building a new identity.

We often feel overwhelmed by the need for a complete overhaul, which prevents us from making any changes at all. I’m sharing a throwback snippet because the gems within have personally helped me and have even been described by our viewers as "life-changing." So listen in and see how repeating a behavior reinforces the identity associated with that behavior.

We explore Aristotle's statement that "you are what you repeatedly do" and how our habits contribute the most to shaping our identity. So go ahead and listen in and then embrace a three-day reset that can benefit various areas of our lives without completely overhauling everything.

Transform Your Life in 3 Days:
The Power of the 3-Day ReSET

the concept of the three-day reset

It's a little trick I learned years ago, and I call it my three-day reset. Three days to feel like a completely different person. It's nothing gimmicky. It's a simple strategy to realign when things have gotten off course. And what's great about it is you can use it for anything- in personal relationships at home or I love to apply this in an area of work, even a subcategory like how you're dealing with your team, or how you're doing on a certain area like Retention or Resident Events.

It literally can take three days. So, for example, if I'm feeling like I've been eating terribly, I just tell myself, start today, and in three days you will feel like another person. Now, granted, I'm not going to suddenly lose a bunch of weight or just miraculously feel perfect, but after three days, I'm starting to build toward that identity. Same thing at work, if I'm feeling off in an area, if I say, these are the things that I need to do to build a habit, and I start implementing them immediately, three days later, I feel super, like I'm on the right track.

Why is making small changes over a three-day period significant?

A lot of times people don't start making a change because they feel overwhelmed that they have to do a complete overhaul and they put all this planning into it. And I read once, “Start acting like the person that you want to be the very moment that you decide it, and from then on, just continue to be that person.”

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repeating a behavior reinforceS identity

I want to share a few points from James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” book. I’ve read it at least twice and it's so powerful because it mixes science with practicality. It says your identity emerges out of your habits. You're not born with those preset beliefs. It says your habits are how you embody your identity. When you make your bed each day, you embody the identity of an organized person. When you write each day, you embody the identity of a creative person. When you train each day, you embody the identity of an athletic person.

The more you repeat a behavior, the more you reinforce the identity associated with that behavior. So how awesome is that? Just by doing certain things, we're reinforcing the type of person you want to be. So if you haven't been spending a lot of time with your family today, call them or send somebody a text message that needs it. Or if you've been eating terribly and you don't want to be that person, start putting a little bit of money in that bank towards that new identity. And listen to this. It says, the effect of one-off experiences fade, but the effects of habits get reinforced with time, which means your habits contribute most of the evidence that shapes your identity. So you really are what you repeatedly do.

Saving Apartment Managers 20+ Hours a Month


Remember, your identity is formed through your habits, and the actions and behaviors you engage in each day reflect who you are. Let's embrace the power of a 3-day reset to realign ourselves when things have gotten off course. Whether it's in personal relationships, at home, or at work, the three-day reset can be applied to specific areas like team management, retention strategies, event planning, or content development. It's a valuable tool to help us maintain balance and feel aligned in any aspect of life.

I’d love to hear your 3-day Reset success stories! Please keep in touch with me on LinkedIn!

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